Style and Strategy

Here is how to turn Black Weekends into an awesome success

Special editions of printed catalogues need to be styled differently as it is important to make customers understand that this is a special occasion. Although the offers boost lower prices than your standard publication, it is vital not to make your merchandise look “cheap” by choosing a sloppy style for your layout. The wish to possess an article that is highly attractive delivers more purchase decisions than the feeling to buy an article that looks less attractive but comes at a cheap price. Style beats thriftiness!

We recommend a consistent look and feel that is different from your main catalogue but does not jeopardize the attractivity and quality your brand is known for.


What are the origins of Black Friday?

Black Friday is traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving when Americans start their X-mas shopping  and sales all over the U.S. skyrocket. This bridging day and the shopping experiences associated with it are cult.

Strategic Advice from Hennig

Stageing fashion by creating innovative and exciting designs is of utmost importance – but so is setting up a smart campaign to market your products. Hennig’s marketing and sales specialists assist our customers with the following key questions to prepare well-funded decisions:

Which advertising methods are available and which make sense?

Perhaps a letter sent by post announcing the upcoming catalogue

Advertising displays in high traffick parts of your town

Strong social media presence

Print advertisements or postcards

What is the perfect timing?

Campaigns lasting only one or two days make little sense for fashion

Special conditions can be available for up to one week

Please note: it is vital to make cour customers understand that the offer is limited and won’t last

How to stand out in the crowd?

Free shipping during the duration of the campaign

Add a small gift to every parcel you ship

Style your catalogue dramatically to show at one glance that this is a special moment in time

How to stand out in the crowd?

Free shipping during the duration of the campaign

Add a small gift to every parcel you ship

Style your catalogue dramatically to show at one glance that this is a special moment in time

How to increase its impact?

Incorporate your “Black Moments” in your end-of-year activitites, send a consistent message to your customers and reenforce the positive impression

Separate campaigns with separate messages and styles are more costly

End of November is the perfect moment to launch your activitities

But perhaps you might want to swim against the tide for once and change your sales cycles?

Good to know!

Free shipping is a major decision maker for potential buyers

Document your successes (and failures) as this is key for analysing all of your campaigns over time

It is important to find out how your customers found the way to your place

Don’t be afraid of social media and influencers

We can assist you with lots of know-how on webbased marketing for target groups (Facebook etc.)

Is Black Friday protected?

Yes, it is. In Germany you are not authorised to use the word mark Black Friday without the consent of the owner.

For some time now judicial initiatives are under way to obsolete this protection as the term has become part of everyday language.

The Hongkong based owners are not in agreement and as of today you need to respect their rights to the term.

You also want to …

… know more about strategic sales planning?
… optimise your campaign with support from specialists?
… simply try out new ideas?

Drop us a mail at

You also want to …

… know more about strategic sales planning?
… optimise your campaign with support from specialists?
… simply try out new ideas?

Drop us a mail at


Location Nuremberg

Hennig Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH
Allersberger Straße 85
90461 Nürnberg
+49 911 5868505

Office Breisach

Bahnhofstraße 35a
79206 Breisach


Allersberger Straße 85
90461 Nürnberg
+49 911 5868505

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